Thanksgiving. The time of year we all get together as family and celebrate the time of giving and thankfulness.

The time of year when the men sit around the tv set and watch football while the women gossip in the kitchen. Or in some instances like my family the women sit around the tv set and watch football. LOL

This is the time of year where you meet relatives you have never known and relatives you remember when you were a child. When you see grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, neices, etc.

This year as you are sitting around the thanksgiving table with Uncle George, who last year was diagnosed with cancer, or Cousin Sam who was in a major car accident just 6 months ago, be thankful you are there and they are here.

I have dedicated this page to Thanksgiving and the wonderful memories they can bring.

Below is several links I have dedicated to Thanksgiving:

The History of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Facts

Thanksgiving Poetry

Thanksgiving Recipes

Home Again